Answered By: Phoebe Stoneking
Last Updated: Apr 11, 2023     Views: 2010

The Main Library Group Study Room in the SVA Library can be booked online, from the tablet outside the room, and in-person at the circulation/reference desk. Read below for instructions to book online.


  • 1 room available; seats up to 6 people.
  • Equipped with a Mac Mini and large screen.
  • Keyboard and mouse for the Mac Mini can be checked out from the Computer Lab Tech Assistant.
  • Equipped with DVD/Bluray player
  • Scheduling priority is given to groups.
  • Groups may schedule the room for a maximum of five hours per day.
  • Individuals may schedule the room for a maximum of one hour per day for solo use. 
  • The room may be booked up to one week in advance. Unscheduled use is first-come-first-served.

The group study room booking is managed with Google Calendar. Everyone at SVA has access to the room's calendar with their college email address. When logged into your college Gmail account, or any other Google apps, you can access Google Calendar from the Apps menu:

a screenshot of Gmail with the Google apps menu open


To book a time slot in the group study room, you'll need to create a calendar event. Do so by clicking on a time slot, and then "More Options:"

A screenshot of Google Calendar week view, with a new event slot selected.


In the event editing screen, add the room to your event. If the room is available, you will see it listed under "Rooms" at the right hand side. If the room is unavailable, or already booked, you will not be able to add the room to your event or use it during the time you have selected. Always remember to save your event.


To see when the room is booked, or to find another available time slot, you'll need to add the calendar to your account. Back on the main Google Calendar page, navigate to the plus sign (+) above My calendars, and click "Browse resources:"

A screenshot of Google Calendar, with the Add calendar menu open.


Open the menu for 380 (our building's street number), and check the box next to "380-02-GSR-08-SVA-Library-Group-Study-Room:"

A screenshot of the Resources menu in Google Calendar


Now, in your main Google Calendar page, you'll see this calendar under "Other Calendars," and be able to view when the room is booked:

A screenshot of the main Google Calendar page, with the Group Study Room calendar highlighted.


If you're having trouble booking the room, library staff can assist. Ask at the circulation desk or reference desk, or online.